Root Canal Treatment at Canty Dental
An endodontist is a dentist specialised in diagnostic and treatment of problems associated with the inside of the tooth. To become specialists, they do training in endodontics after completing dental school. Endodontist are considered capable of performing routine as well as complex endodontic procedures, including re-treatment of previous root canals that have not healed completely, as well as endodontic surgery.
A root canal filling treatment is a time consuming process. This process takes more time than routine filling and is performed usually over two visits. Not just that, root canal fillings require a great deal of specialist equipment and extra training, which adds to the overall cost.
If the pulp becomes infected, the infection may spread through the root canal system of the tooth. This may eventually lead to an abscess. An abscess is an inflamed area in which pus collects and can cause swelling of the tissues around the tooth. The symptoms of an abscess can range from a dull ache to severe pain, and the tooth may be tender when you bite. If root canal treatment is not done, the infection will spread and the tooth may need to be taken out.
Most teeth can be treated with Root Canal except in a situation where root canals are not accessible, the root is fractured, the tooth doesn’t have enough bone support, or the tooth cannot be restored. When endodontic treatment is not effective, our dentist may be able to suggest other ways to save the tooth. If tooth has to be extracted, our dentist will suggest treatments options like implants or bridges to fill the empty space created because of tooth extraction.
After root canal treatment is over, a temporary filling is placed over the tooth which needs to be replaced with a crown as soon as possible. Tooth become brittle after root canal treatment. Purpose of the crown is to restore the tooth’s strength and protect it from cracking. If the temporary filling is left too long, there are chances that bacteria from your mouth will reinfect the tooth.
The tooth may be sore for two to three days after the treatment. The worse the infection and inflammation you had, the more sensitive the tooth will be after treatment. Avoid chewing on the affected side.
The pulp which is removed during root canal treatment is the part which responds to temperature. After removal of infected pulp your tooth will no longer be sensitive to hot or cold.
When the pulp gets destroyed from inside of the tooth because of infection carried on for numbers of years, tooth becomes dead. In such situation there is no pain because there is no pulp inside the tooth which creates sensation of pain. However there can be still infection present that will lead to an abscess. Early treatment of the tooth will remove this infection before it worsens and will prevent the abscess from becoming big problem.
Crowns are caps made out of a material like porcelain, which fit over your tooth to protect it. Crowns are used to cover teeth that have been broken, or have been weakened by a large filling, decay or after root canal treatment. You may need to have a crown fitted over your tooth that has had root canal treatment because it can help to strengthen and protect your tooth from further damage.
In most cases, you will not feel any pain while root canal procedure is carried on. Our dentist will numb your tooth and the surrounding area first before starting the procedure. Some people fear of numbing shot more than the treatment itself. Now a days numbing gels and modern injection systems have made injections virtually painless.
After root canal treatment the restored tooth should last as long as your other teeth. Your treated tooth will stay healthy as long as the root is nourished by the tissues around it. This means your tooth could last a lifetime.
Root Canal Treatment
By choosing Root canal treatment, you are choosing to keep your natural teeth. If left untreated, you could experience greater discomfort and it could lead to a serious infection. Treatments are performed to the highest standards using the latest techniques and materials. Our Dentists have extensive experience in this treatment and will ensure every possible step is taken to make you feel relaxed and at ease. A local anaesthetic is also used to assist in your comfort.
Signs you may require root canal treatment:
Tooth sensitivity to sweets or hot and cold liquids.
Constant or intermittent throbbing tooth ache and pain.
Pain with biting pressure.
Tissue swelling of the face.
If you are experiencing any of these symptoms or suspect you may require root canal treatment, please make an appointment with Canty Dental
Surgery as soon as possible and we will take care of this urgent dental treatment.
Length of Treatment
Root canal treatment mostly requires more than one visits, but sometimes it can be completed in a single visit depending on the situation. Some teeth have more roots than other, some teeth have curved root canals that are difficult to find – treating such tooth will require multiple visits. Moreover, teeth with active infections require more than one visits.
Teeth have different numbers of canals:
The top front teeth have one canal.
The bottom front teeth have one or two canals.
The premolars have one or two canals.
The molars have three or four canals.
After the Treatment
After root canal treatment is over, a temporary filling is placed over the tooth which needs to be replaced with a crown as soon as possible. Tooth become brittle after root canal treatment. Purpose of the crown is to restore the tooth’s strength and protect it from cracking. If the temporary filling is left too long, there are chances that bacteria from your mouth will reinfect the tooth.
The tooth may be sore for two to three days after the treatment. The worse the infection and inflammation you had, the more sensitive the tooth will be after treatment. Avoid chewing on the affected side. The pulp which is removed during root canal treatment is the part which responds to temperature. After removal of infected pulp your tooth will no longer be sensitive to hot or cold.